Thursday, November 18, 2010



We are in our first week of our Florida/Bahama cruises.  So far, the weather has been nice, except for Nassau, the morning was beautiful and then the rain came in and stayed.  We are into 3 shows a week now, which is really nice! Keeps us busy.  The NY crowds are loud and love the shows!  The cast is getting AWESOME feedback from passengers and staff.  J 
I saw Joel for the first time in 2 months and it was incredible!!  I get to see him again on Saturday, as well as mom and dad.  They all get to see the ship for the first time!  I’m so excited!  I’m super thankful that this itinerary docks in NY for a couple of hours each week.  Very lucky…J
Other than that, we have a lot of parties and fun times here on the GEM.  I cannot wait until family comes on board and can experience it with me and see the life I’m living for 6 months.  I do miss home A Lot, but it will always be there when my contract ends in April J  I’m anxious to see what the future holds for me… and for Joel and I.  I get more and more exited every day about coming home and starting the wedding planning process.  I hear it’s stressful, but it doesn’t have to be.  It went on hold for this contract so we will see what happens.  It’s expensive, but I get to talk to Joel for a few minutes each day.  He looks amazing and I can’t wait to see him again. 
Once again, check out my facebook page for updated pictures!
Until then…Talk to you Later!!!



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