Thursday, November 18, 2010



We are in our first week of our Florida/Bahama cruises.  So far, the weather has been nice, except for Nassau, the morning was beautiful and then the rain came in and stayed.  We are into 3 shows a week now, which is really nice! Keeps us busy.  The NY crowds are loud and love the shows!  The cast is getting AWESOME feedback from passengers and staff.  J 
I saw Joel for the first time in 2 months and it was incredible!!  I get to see him again on Saturday, as well as mom and dad.  They all get to see the ship for the first time!  I’m so excited!  I’m super thankful that this itinerary docks in NY for a couple of hours each week.  Very lucky…J
Other than that, we have a lot of parties and fun times here on the GEM.  I cannot wait until family comes on board and can experience it with me and see the life I’m living for 6 months.  I do miss home A Lot, but it will always be there when my contract ends in April J  I’m anxious to see what the future holds for me… and for Joel and I.  I get more and more exited every day about coming home and starting the wedding planning process.  I hear it’s stressful, but it doesn’t have to be.  It went on hold for this contract so we will see what happens.  It’s expensive, but I get to talk to Joel for a few minutes each day.  He looks amazing and I can’t wait to see him again. 
Once again, check out my facebook page for updated pictures!
Until then…Talk to you Later!!!



Thursday, November 4, 2010

HELLLLLO from Spain


SOOOO…It’s been a little while since I’ve posted something on here.  Mostly because the Internet in Europe is hard to come across and the Internet on the ship breaks the bank.  HOWEVER, a lot has been going on over here on the Norwegian GEM.  The month of October has been interesting.  The first two weeks were tough, very busy getting the shows on their feet and trainings etc.  Since the shows opened, everything has been pretty great.  The ship is beautiful, my cast is pretty awesome (not gonna lie) HaHa and I’m traveling to places I never thought I would get to see.  The only hard thing is not having my sweetheart with me to experience all this with me.  (He just got Lasik!!! So jealous). 

So these are the places I’ve gotten to see so far in Europe:
*Venice, Italy
*Dubrovnik, Croatia
*Athens, Greece
*Corfu, Greece
*Santorini Greece

We cruise to Spain, Portugal, and some other places this week and we are getting ready for the cross over to New York City.  After that we start our Bahamas Cruises, then our 10 day Caribbean Cruises!!! Very excited for the beautiful weather and islands. 
Joel comes on the ship in December.  I can’t wait to show him around and spend some time with my man!  God knows, we’ve waited too long! J  
I get off the ship in April and then WHO KNOWS!!! We will have to see J

All my pictures so far are uploaded on Face Book, so check them out!
Talk to everyone real soon!


Monday, September 27, 2010

Italy, here I come!

Hey there!!!

I've been in Nashville, Tennessee for almost a month now and time FLEW by...My cast and I fly to Venice, Italy this Thursday...We have an overnight in Venice and we get on our ship the day after...We have about two weeks of installation and then we set sail and begin our journey on the NORWEGIAN GEM.  We are all excited about our shows and about the cast in general.  My cast is made of up of super talented/beautiful people...We set sail in the Mediterranean until November when we port in NYC!!! In Nov-Dec we do Bahama cruises and then Jan-Feb we do Caribbean cruises.  March is back to the Bahamas and then I am home in April!!! Im sure this time will fly by...
Nashville has been great.  Rehearsals have been successful and we've gotten to go out a couple of times as well...
From this point on, I will not have my cellphone, so the best way of communication is Facebook and Email.  I really hope people are in the mood to vacation and will choose my ship!! Its so exciting to see someone from home when you are away...:)  
So, keep checking this blog and Facebook for new pictures and videos and to say HELLO!
Miss you all!
(Miss you babe:) Always in my heart)


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

In Rehearsals.....

Hey hey....

So I'm in rehearsals in Nashville, TN for the GEM...My cast is amazing and the nicest people you will ever meet.  I made it through my first day and onto the second day of rehearsals....I am extremely fortunate to have been hired with Gary Musick Company- GREAT people...
I am one of the youngest and definitely the newest member to the cruise lines...which is overwhelming but amazing/exciting!  Its a wonderful feeling being here...It totally beats waking up at 4 am to travel to New York for auditions all day and then waiting tables at night....:)  I am in Nashville until the end of September, then our journey  begins in Venice, Italy....Until then....Ill talk to you all later!


PS ...I miss my hubby...
Love you.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Coming soon...

Hey everyone~

I'm not too big on "blogging" but I've decided to make a blog page for when I'm over seas with Norwegian Cruiselines.  So starting September, I will hopefully have a lot of exciting stuff on here (that is, if I keep up with it haha)... If not.. you can follow me on Facebook...  
Also, you can catch me at my WEBSITE....

Bye for now...