Thursday, November 4, 2010

HELLLLLO from Spain


SOOOO…It’s been a little while since I’ve posted something on here.  Mostly because the Internet in Europe is hard to come across and the Internet on the ship breaks the bank.  HOWEVER, a lot has been going on over here on the Norwegian GEM.  The month of October has been interesting.  The first two weeks were tough, very busy getting the shows on their feet and trainings etc.  Since the shows opened, everything has been pretty great.  The ship is beautiful, my cast is pretty awesome (not gonna lie) HaHa and I’m traveling to places I never thought I would get to see.  The only hard thing is not having my sweetheart with me to experience all this with me.  (He just got Lasik!!! So jealous). 

So these are the places I’ve gotten to see so far in Europe:
*Venice, Italy
*Dubrovnik, Croatia
*Athens, Greece
*Corfu, Greece
*Santorini Greece

We cruise to Spain, Portugal, and some other places this week and we are getting ready for the cross over to New York City.  After that we start our Bahamas Cruises, then our 10 day Caribbean Cruises!!! Very excited for the beautiful weather and islands. 
Joel comes on the ship in December.  I can’t wait to show him around and spend some time with my man!  God knows, we’ve waited too long! J  
I get off the ship in April and then WHO KNOWS!!! We will have to see J

All my pictures so far are uploaded on Face Book, so check them out!
Talk to everyone real soon!


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